Indexing Basics course
This short course, which I developed for the Society of Indexers, gives a good introduction to the basic principles and practices of good indexing. It includes a number of exercises which come with guidance answers and tutor support. It provides a good headstart to taking the main SI training course as well as giving the essentials to someone who just needs to learn some basic techniques. At the end of the tutorial you can opt for a video/audiochat with me on indexing as a career or to find out more about training.
Available from the SI website, find out more about Indexing Basics .
Active Indexing: creating eBook indexes
This is a workshop I have developed to give insights into the process of eBook indexing. Screenshots of basic functioning in various embedding and eBook indexing programs are provided to give a flavour of the software involved. The workshop provides understanding of how XML underpins the publishing process and also covers eBook conversion issues and publisher workflows. It comes with useful exercises and I am happy to provide further advice where I can.
Available from the SI website Active Indexing: Creating eBook indexes